I don't know what to do... I love my bf so much but every time he kisses me all I can think about is what I did to him. I'm holding it together but barely,. When I'm by myself all ibdo is cry... I think I need to tell him but I'm scared at what will happen.... any advice on how I should proceed?
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You need to be a little more grown up than this, you say you hugged him and then you were in your room. So obviously quite a full on hug. Then had oral, obviously enough to consider cheating, imagine if your bf gave a girl oral?
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So, it's between you or his pride. Which do you think he will he choose? And would you even be able to respect a man that would accept this sillyness from his girlfriend anyway?
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Utter trash in blaming the other guy. He's just a horny, guy, and you were in total control at all times. Heck, there more guys out there just like him. You going to service them too ?
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It was a blur and happened so fast. When he as done .. I started crying. He said it was ok because I didn't really cheat because it wasn't real sex, we didn't kiss, and I was naked(my bikini was on but he was touching me under it) He said bye and left
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