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Nestled for Aina Lena escort wrote:
make one detailed and the other the summary see the review
Irgun for Hozam escort wrote:
Do not have him interact any more with your B/F. that is extremely cruel see the review
Atop for Abdaljabbar escort wrote:
if you do care about your B/F, start protecting him and have NC with the OM see the review
Tinge for Oludamilola escort wrote:
complete NC see the review
Misogyn for Narola escort wrote:
also, start protecting your relationship and your B/F and stop protecting the OM. Tell his girlfriend what happened see the review
Leda for Bryanna escort wrote:
Be honest with your B/F see the review
Begging for Shelesh escort wrote:
How would you feel if he dated and had sex with someone else for several months? Would you be hurt? see the review
Axiomatic for Aminerdene escort wrote:
Do not marry him. You have destroyed him. He will never forget this see the review
Parson for Kimberley77 Francaise escort wrote:
good luck, but stay away from the OM. He cheated on his girlfriend. He used you for sex. He does not love you see the review
Sorrowful for Karindotter escort wrote:
Tell your boyfriend soon. The OM has been bragging on campus about his sex with you with all of his buddies see the review
Hobart for Jadika escort wrote:
Others have said it already, but I agree. Pre-marital counseling is not the answer here. This was your decision to cheat. Not once in a manner that could perhaps be forgiven over time because of poor judgment, call it moment of weakness, crime of passion, drunken mistake, etc. etc. But four more times. You had time to think about it and did it again. So working through this doesn't have to do with him and this relationship. It has to do with you. You are broken and you need to look deep to find out why you would think it all right to do this to someone see the review
Subtitles for Jeenat escort wrote:
While your level of recognition in your posts that you are in the wrong is the right place to be, you are also showing to be quite casual about the idea that you are likely (and hopefully, no offense) going to lose the love of your life. Perhaps its just the nature of you you come across in writing, but it makes me think that you think you love him, but in words only when in fact you are quite disconnected from him emotionally already see the review
Godrich for Afhsana escort wrote:
And I say "hopefully" you will lose him because what you have described is a heavy indicator that this is going down a bad path for both of you. You, because you are not in a mentally stable enough position to marry someone if you let yourself put your own needs so selfishly in front of the person you think you love. And him, because he is in for a world of hurt, from finding out that the woman he loves betrayed him, numerous times in a calculated way, that she likely will not take herself out of the environment where her fling is (speaks volumes to your priorities and lack of commitment to work at saving the relationship and make your BF feel safe), and the years he will be tormented by this potentially happening again before you discover why you chose to repeatedly sacrifice your relationship. Even if he does try to forgive you, regaining that trust will quite literally take years and years, and that's no way for either of you to be spending your first years as a married couple instead of being lost in love with each other see the review
Felled for Crystal May escort wrote:
So I apologize for being harsh, but bottom line.. see the review
Jeremiah for Ina Risten escort wrote:
- You purposefully took multiple actions to ruin your relationship see the review
Rubbish for Hann Christine escort wrote:
- A part of me actually thinks you are ok with having ruined it, and may not even regret this outcome deep inside see the review
Province for Tran Tran escort wrote:
- He should really leave you, for both your sakes see the review
Squigly for Hedieh escort wrote:
- You need focused counselling to understand why you would actively ruin a healthy relationship, and also explore whether you even love at all see the review
Dongjin for Manook escort wrote:
I hope things work out for you. I really do. You just have a bit of a road in front of you on figuring things out I think. It will come see the review
Sburnsy for Libna escort wrote:
Thoughts on beginning pre-marital counseling? see the review
Twegner for Jaimma escort wrote:
Again, You are making decisions for him you have ZERO right to make see the review
Coatesp for Jerdanoss escort wrote:
Do you not understand that it is your decision making process for him and for the relationship that got you into this mess in the first place? see the review
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