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Guindon for Florre escort wrote:
See your GF has appropriate boundaries. She may have questionable friends but she has integrity see the review
Pronger for Hayedeh escort wrote:
She still asked me if I don't want her to go after all this came out. She said it could be interesting see the review
Nwonknu for Iseul escort wrote:
I am lucky though to have her see the review
Conformers for Yassamen escort wrote:
A key element of LBJ's leadership was this famous "Johnson treatment," in which he would hypothetically "pop one's bubble" to demand their attention. No president has been so celebrated for his powers of persuasion in face-to-face confrontations than Lyndon Johnson has see the review
Returning for Awigil escort wrote:
He would flatter, cajole, and browbeat people into doing what he wanted. It could last anywhere from 2 minutes to 4 hours and would occur when a legislator was within earshot of him. It was mind numbing by all accounts and one of the crucial tools he used to sucker colleagues into continuing the war in Vietnam see the review
Volcane for Merjema escort wrote:
Seems by your last update that the "Friend" did in fact have nefarious reasons for this trip. So stick to your guns. If your GF only discovered these revelations in the past 24 hours, then good on her for making the decision...however if she knew of any ulterior motives at all and was willing to go along with it until you put the hammer down, then it would be cause for concern see the review
Shyster for Khamma escort wrote:
But only time will tell. At present it looks like she made he right call. But that' s always subject to change see the review
Improve for Pinky escort wrote:
So she wanted your GF along to have a winggirl. I have no doubt that the friend and two guys would have put a lot of pressure on your GF to play around see the review
Mjbrown for Andresen escort wrote:
Based on not only this thread, but from my 8 years reading and replying to threads at LS, and in my own day to day experience over the course of my life,it is my belief that in fact she probably did know beforehand see the review
Faddist for Aminerdene escort wrote:
GF told me it was work trip for friend and that her co-workers would be showing them around town. Then a couple days later it was seaside villa with 2 guys for the weekend. Now the "Italy work trip" lie by friend comes out today see the review
Badland for Ngonwet escort wrote:
I do believe my gf didn't know about this and she told me about villa weekend. She could have kept that quiet see the review
Valda for Gwendolinn escort wrote:
This guy get her pregnant? Me seems to think so..............if not she will say it's his anyways. poor sap see the review
Charee for Negjibane escort wrote:
It also sounds like she has a sense of humor with the "it could be interesting" see the review
Xdenied for Annie Yi escort wrote:
So I looked on friends FB page and found this Italian guy. I knew his first name. I looked at his FB page. He is young good looking guy and lots of picture of him and crew partying and what not. I am sure they would be going all out to score with some hot American girls see the review
Pruh for Akpevweoghene escort wrote:
But I am a skeptical guy by nature and these items bug me: see the review
Renae for Qudsieh escort wrote:
1. I asked when her friend was going to let her in on her plan that it was a romantic trip. My gf just said "good question" then started talking about something else see the review
Quintic for Nemie escort wrote:
2. When my gf told me the work trip was a lie, my gf said her friend lied bc she asked my gf to go on trip when her H was in the room. That makes no sense to me. Why would her friend make arrangements for the trip with H around? see the review
Flexile for Cardinie escort wrote:
You are 1 argument away from it being back on in Technicolor. So just sit back and if there is any rope, she will eventually hang herself with it, don't lead her to the gallows, she can do that all on her own by her actions in the near future see the review
Squired for Miina Kaisa escort wrote:
"Debatable at best"...says the Turd in the Punchbowl see the review
Godbolt for Martyne escort wrote:
I am sorry Wookin, you are right. Those statements make ZERO sense. Right now for the present, I would play my cards close to the vest. Make no mention of the trip for a few days. See if the GF brings it up and elaborates at all. Because those two statements have Bullschnitt written all over them. Let her talk about it ad nauseum and you will be able to glean a lot more by active listening see the review
Simoleon for Livi escort wrote:
I am sorry to be the proverbial turd in you punchbowl, but I don't think the trip is totally off....yet. Just my pessimism coming into play as many of us have seen a variation of this movie before, and we know how it ends see the review
Utpal for Humaim escort wrote:
Take heed in that statement OP. Space is dead on accurate with it. When my ex "canceled" the trip, she was fine for a few days, then she started picking fights. She decided to go on the trip, and I was fine with it. We know how it turned out. A girlfriend/spouse who is entertaining "having fun" knows no lengths in the amount of deception they will use. Those two points you brought up are indeed concerning. My ex had no issues in telling me that she was going to be staying with a girlfriend while away and that some of her girlfriends "friends" would probably be around see the review
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