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Unchain for Aznaida escort wrote:
I strongly believe that this kind of character is expressed in other parts of the relationship. You probably turn to omit other things that are uncomfortable to confront, you probably shape and fix the reality here and there, in order to avoid conflicts that aren't for your best interest at certain moments see the review
Assagai for Homeyla escort wrote:
So, if that is what your fiance loves, I wouldn't tell him. If you didn't tell him the truth when you should have, telling him now is not even close to "doing the right thing". Telling him now might ruin his life see the review
Martine for Pawittra escort wrote:
I have a better offer for you - Don't tell him, but always!! Always try to remember what you did, and be nicer to him when hard times come. Be a better wife, love him more, and forgive him for mistakes he will make in the future. So, in this equation he doesn't get the perfect honesty, but he gets a better wife that can forgive and to treat him better in the future. This is a much better deal for him than the deal of "telling him now for clearing your guilt" see the review
Sabbats for Bishrah escort wrote:
Don't tell him!!! see the review
Twinight for Mia_Sexe escort wrote:
Originally Posted by Cobra_X see the review
Apocrine for Elsinore escort wrote:
Not telling him = no repercussions see the review
Galieni for Berenesh escort wrote:
No repercussions = likely to cheat again, bc hey, why not,nobody got hurt by it the last time see the review
Sfumato for Teoline escort wrote:
You do not have to tell him. But the trade off is that you should not marry him. Maybe it is best to do as some would suggest...Live with your guilt...but as a single mother see the review
Justinf for Lupin escort wrote:
Anyone that suggest that you carry the deceit in to marriage, is truly heartless or paid to make you feel good see the review
Taranis for Ida Freia escort wrote:
I do not think you can do that.. I think you do love this man and do wish to marry. You know what you must do and that is why you post. Prepare yourself and do what you must do. Do the research on how to survive a affair, not how to lie about the affair. Work this out BEFORE marriage see the review
Partion for Liwanag escort wrote:
FWIW, I will marry next year see the review
Lucina for Ruzica escort wrote:
Plain and simple - if you don't plan to get honest then don't plan to marry him see the review
Unbounded for Miri Ann escort wrote:
I broke things off with my partner but never told him. We worked through our communication problems, got back together and now are engaged with a 6 month old baby see the review
Lon for Gere escort wrote:
Do the right thing see the review
Pisang for Ferezewed escort wrote:
How hard is this really. “His the guy of my dreams” “I love him so much”. But all I have to do is get drunk and I sleep with another guy see the review
Thunderstorms for Rashail escort wrote:
Having poor communication skills is not going to cause you to sleep with someone else see the review
Dutchmen for Silhana escort wrote:
Having an down and out fight won’t cause you to sleep with someone else see the review
Wart for Loysan escort wrote:
Your lack of caring for and not loving the poor guy your are with will see the review
Butternut for Myntoria escort wrote:
Tell the truth and give him a real chance at happiness in the future. Your guilt will eat you up. If he finds out on his own, it’s over and done see the review
Zero for Soni escort wrote:
Yes the stress will effect the baby and it is not healthy for you being pregnant see the review
Odgovor for Jirakul escort wrote:
It's not a crime to not tell him or not tell him at this time, because it is your life, your conscience you are dealing with and it's no one elses business to tell you otherwise see the review
Leets for Dolores escort wrote:
Sometimes telling the truth is worse than just forgetting it ever happened and moving on from it see the review
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