Perhaps, but if that were the case then OP's girlfriend would have been told that. Because she could have instantly shut down any questioning from many if she had blurted out
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She can tell him anything and this "friend" would most certainly back it up. I mean she is going because her Hubby is a "stick n the mud". Wouldn't a romantic trip with your spouse to Italy, of all places be just the thing to get that stick in the mud out of the dirt?
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Although by my own admission am a pessimist, I simply believe that the Girlfriend takes Wookin for granted and has no fear of losing anything,and perhaps gaining a new FWB along the way, and get to go to Italy, to boot!
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A little backstory. We were college sweethearts 20+ years ago. Got in bad marriages, reconnected recently and now both going thru divorces. We've been very serious and we want to spend rest of our lives together
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She is a very attractive 43 year old. She teaches yoga and has an incredible body plus she has a certain enhancement guys like. She has been asked out by 20-something aged guys. She turns heads when we go out
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If you tell her to not go she will resent you and lose attraction. Its normal to feel jealous and many men would not tolerate this situation at all especially at 45 years old
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There is nothing you can do to stop her whether she cheats there or not. All you can do is be the confident secure guy and wait for her to come back. You say you trust her so prove it to yourself and her. It is much easier said then done though. The other side is just flat out say you will not tolerate this and will end it and then stick to it
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I told her yesterday that her staying in seaside Villa with two guys is crossingthe line and I'd be hurt. She said she had already told her friend that she "prefers" not to do that and she would be uncomfortable. She then said she would talk to her friend and get it worked out. I said good
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A few hours later she said she was "rethinking" the Italy trip. Said she didn't want me to worry and be stressed the whole time. Again I am ok with her going. I want her to go for experience. My guess on her"rethinking" trip is the villa weekend is part of the package that she can't rearrange so she decided to cancel since I said that it crosses a line
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So after some back and forth last night she decided not to go. It was her decision. She called friend and friend was very upset. She said she hates disappointing friend but doesn't want to hurt me
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This morning I said I was feeling guilty that I was the reason for her not being able to go to Italy and that I want her to be comfortable with decision
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You see how communication plays a key role in relationships? Of course you are going to feel guilty BUT you did the right thing, and so did she
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Time to compromise. Make it up to her by planning a trip together to go to Italy in the future. To make it affordable, invite another couple to share accommodations
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I am still not sure her decision is final yet. We traded some texts but then she had to go teach yoga. She is really torn. She wants to go, she doesn't want to disappoint friend, she spent a lot on airline ticket (non refundable) but she doesn't want to hurt me
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Something is not adding up. In my case, the indecision in herself about going was caused by her trying to decide if it was worth losing me over. In the end, it was, and she got to wear a cheater badge for the rest of her life. Great deal!
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It seems odd that she's not comfortable with changing the villa arrangements, but feel comfortable to cancel and disappointing her friend. In this case communication between friends can solve it all
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She just has to say "My BF doesn't want me to sleep in a villa with other guys, so if I'm going, we have to change that". Case closed, problem solved. Why going round and round in circles?
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