Just goes to show you, that when you provide truth and honesty (Regardless of your acts), you have a greater chance of reconciliation, and again, a possible future with your partner
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You were NOT sexually assaulted. You did not resist when he came into your room, you knew what he was there for, and you know exactly what you did
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As long as you are flirting you are going to occasionally cross the line. You will be a serial cheater until you stop flirting with other men and getting validation from your looks and ability to lead men on. That seems to be your whole identity. Get another one if you want a successful marriage
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I feel sorry for your boyfriend. He may marry a future serial cheater and is headed for divorce before he even starts. You are the poster child for it. Just a fact. A harsh fact. It does NOT have to be but you will have to change your method of partying, flirting, and leading men on. You aren't strong enough to resist the inevitable. You've already proven it. You will prove it again. 100% sure
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Hi my name is Ryan, Still new here for me if i'm your BF and read this. Of course i will think the same way as other did. you still cheat. You even know it that you cheat. That's it but try to forgive yourself
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And do you really want a relationship with a guy that cheats on his GF/W? There's merit in the phrase, if they'll cheat with you, they'll cheat on you. And in this case, it applies to both of you
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No conflicted feelings are necessary. You are both cheaters.You'll thrive together until you cheat on each other ...then you can move on to torment some other poor schmuck
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We are not official, not exclusive to my knowledge. My gut told me I had to get out of there. I went back to my room, at this point it's around 2am, pack my stuff (still no contact or text back) and I Uber it back home
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I feel betrayed, and emasculated, and embarrassed. The next day at around 10am, my phone blows up with calls, texts, etc. So far I have not answered however I want to tell her off
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Since you have a landline, just unplug it from the wall for a few days unless you have to make a call...nothing tells someone to go away when they stay on the landline and subject themselves to the 22 rings to nowhere...(generally when an AT&T landline is unplugged and someone calls into it the return rings 22 times before going silent)
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