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Marbler for Back escort wrote:
That it silence and keep ignoring her...but I'd want the calls to stop see the review
Cowfish for Roumeysa escort wrote:
So basically, she wouldn't have sex for me because of her time frame she outlined, but she was willing to have sex with someone else? That is where I feel emasculated see the review
Surfy for Tongard escort wrote:
Like I said...she probably has a drinking problem. She puts on airs about being of high morals until she is in an environment that leads her to go overboard and lacks control. She's been in denial, and big fat liar see the review
Limin for Gebrehiewet escort wrote:
I probably would go out of character and call her a few choice words. Or say something like "there are 9 billion people in the world and you think I am going to chase after you?" see the review
Palmito for Sunana escort wrote:
When we first started dating, I never pushed sex or anything else. I let things happen naturally. She was the one who ranted and raved about the importance of sex being meaningful. I am not a pushy or aggressive guy, and I understand that in the moment everyone needs to be comfortable see the review
Jerries for Yare escort wrote:
1) She was lying to you with the 15 date rule bull**** story. She might have already had a boyfriend she was sort of breaking up and getting back together with and didnt want to cheat on him see the review
Deirdre for Ham escort wrote:
You did everything right, except the 15 date BS, give me a break see the review
Moneyless for Erwine escort wrote:
I had a girl tell me she had a 90 day rule. After I picked myself up off the floor from LMAO... I said, ok, call me in 90 days see the review
Angostura for Ida Teres escort wrote:
Here is the deal, if a woman, any woman tries to lay some arbitrary time frame on you, dump her. If the is into you she will screw your brains out the first chance she gets see the review
Chlorogenic for Myumyune escort wrote:
For future reference, only give a new gal your cell number - never your land line. That way when you need to you can block her on everything see the review
Mouthier for Zika escort wrote:
fill in what you want see the review
Eudora for Kewcher escort wrote:
Her story was she did have to much to drink but was taken advantage of. I told her I didn't care. I basically told her to eff herself in such a way that she would look forward to the trip see the review
Unsightly for Biller escort wrote:
Hey if you're by any chance able to contact the other bride's mate, send her a thank you message. Without what she told you, this thread wouldn't have went the same. Trust me I've been on this thing for a minute and seen enough to tell half the comments would've been telling you to give her the benefit of the doubt see the review
Coactor for Alissara escort wrote:
She had both of my numbers. I don't get great cell service in my condo so we would talk on the house phone see the review
Stachel for Avenell escort wrote:
Anyway, I have an I-Phone, and I blocked her on Verizon's website and through my I-Phone, however her I-Messages kept getting through see the review
Jezreel for Ahlm escort wrote:
So, I told her how I felt. It was somewhat cathartic. I told her that she is a selfish POS and that is not relationship material. I made her cry, which I really don't feel sorry about see the review
Beast for Fantaye escort wrote:
"Because the person feels a sort of satisfaction that since they got it off their chest with them, a bond is formed. Which in turn brings them back. Rarely do people return when they hear things they do not want to hear. Which is Ironic as they usually come back around after the relationship has failed..." see the review
Pintsize for Disa Katarina escort wrote:
Interesting stuff see the review
Stephnie for Tariman escort wrote:
I agree to an extent. Nobody is telling her to undermine anything (I'm certainly not). What I am saying is that burying what happened is only going to cause more problems. Big ones. The fact that she is here goes to show that she is having a hard time. She does get some sympathy from me as she has done the right thing in removing the contact with the other guy. Very, very good of her see the review
Biotime for Arcelia escort wrote:
If I were her, my questions to a counselor would be "I want to fix this, how can I" see the review
Hanafi for Fekry escort wrote:
Please don't think that the roughness or the real talk is sinister. It really is not. It is the reality being put forth without trying to gloss things over see the review
Clamp for Muhieddime escort wrote:
The OP has a lot going for her and I'm willing to bet that she is a good person. In the end no matter how it is put to her, we all want her relationship to succeed see the review
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