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Grimace for Isansala escort wrote:
Where i live doing this is considered rude, approaching a girl from behind, running after her in the street see the review
Spleet for Jirakul escort wrote:
I used to do the same, but i found it kinda ... stupid eventually see the review
Romanic for Kimberley77 Francaise escort wrote:
It had the effect of reducing my social and approach anxiety though see the review
Rooser for Gundvor escort wrote:
Over time i moved into improv stuff and tried to get my inner persona more in tune with my outer persona see the review
Sells for Claraliberti escort wrote:
Resulted in me being a bit more cocky, joking in a friendly way see the review
Outhit for Gullestad escort wrote:
To give you an example, a few weeks ago i was in this supermarket and i couldn't find something, no employees nearby, and i asked this hot girl that was looking for a certain type of pasta. We ended up spending 15min of giving directions and what not, and then i asked for her number see the review
Orthicon for Rufadije escort wrote:
After i found out she had a fiance, i really was not interested in her anymore but she was charming company see the review
Hoek for Nyashadzashe escort wrote:
PS: Cold approaching to me ended up feeling like it was unnatural, it had an unnatural vibe to it see the review
Guanyun for Asmire escort wrote:
Kinda like forcing something to happen vs giving it a gentle push and letting it happen see the review
Garnet for Nionta escort wrote:
....That was the first thing you asked her, and you expected a positive answer? see the review
Secundus for Ganette escort wrote:
Mmhmm, right see the review
Goshawk for Paludan escort wrote:
You were expecting her to ditch her friends for you? see the review
Loyalist for Mahomuda escort wrote:
She was around 20 not older see the review
Lohan for Roliza escort wrote:
She didn't look like a fun company, but she didn't own me anything. She could ignore me if she didn't want to talk to me see the review
Facsimile for Edka escort wrote:
No, we talked for 2-3 min befor they left. I was just checking if she was interesting see the review
Bard for Mohua escort wrote:
Because i am not going to hit on her. Way more attractive than i am see the review
Lagurus for Roumeysa escort wrote:
The friend she was with was average but i just went my way see the review
Joebush for Malko escort wrote:
I am doing it for fun/becoming at approaching see the review
Dissolution for Hoang Oanh escort wrote:
If i get rejected it's cool if i get success it's cool see the review
Chirper for Renita escort wrote:
I have alot of friends. I am just doing it for entertainment on weekends mostly see the review
Querian for Piamonte escort wrote:
Congratulations on your sobriety see the review
Tgordon for Xiali escort wrote:
I don't even... What does this have to do with the fact that asking someone her age is possibly the worst conversation opener in the history of time?!?!? see the review
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