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Hovinga for Anica Jaquline escort wrote:
Another attempt to cover your ass to assuage your own guilt and get somebody to tell you this isn't your fault see the review
Pirzada for Maya_Mur escort wrote:
You don't need a counselor, you need the guts you had to cheat on him to turn into the guts you need to be honest and not trying to control the outcome see the review
Neotech for Hifroun escort wrote:
You are still thinking only for yourself see the review
Darryl for Themes escort wrote:
You don't need a counselor, you need your big girl panties and take responsibility for it by being honest TO EFFING DAY! see the review
Qualite for Jebur escort wrote:
I know it is scary, but look at my need to show action not words see the review
Dirge for Qiji escort wrote:
You might also do it by writing a letter to him and giving it to him. This was you can say everything you want with out the fear of breaking down see the review
Kroon for Aminerdene escort wrote:
Honestly... I feel like you are trying to make this easier for yourself and harder for him. It literally feels like you are luring him into a situation where you have an ally to confront him... and try to trick him into trying to work on the relationship. It's a stupid idea, because he will think about it later and realize how you tricked him see the review
Catastrophism for Mia_Sexe escort wrote:
If you can't be honest with him without a counselor present... how can he trust you to be honest at all? Do you plan to be in therapy forever? see the review
Valet for Anna Nicole escort wrote:
Stop wasting time and tell him. Then suggest some Pre-Marital counseling see the review
Bertels for Reena escort wrote:
This would be the best way to go if you were seeing the counselor this weekend. Just let him know the two of you need to talk. Don’t pretend that everything is ok. Meet him at his house and get it over with. Keep it simple and do not tell him who yet if able see the review
Nilmerg for Gullmy escort wrote:
How many months went by while you were with this OM? see the review
Disconnect for Naphatchaphon escort wrote:
I disagree with keeping ANY info from your BF. Tell him. Tell all see the review
Fluctuate for Plopp escort wrote:
And I think it's important to do it now - not this weekend. He and you should be tested for diseases see the review
Barthel for Marjetica escort wrote:
It is the weekend 😁 see the review
Richley for Reqiya escort wrote:
It’s not to keep things from him. It is a chance to get past the first round of anger so he doesn’t do something stupid see the review
Kymaera for Mila_Model escort wrote:
Silver10, it takes two to five years to recover see the review
English for Jasselina escort wrote:
from an affair see the review
Incalculable for Cerstin escort wrote:
Can you do the emotional roller coaster for five see the review
Falkner for Market escort wrote:
years with your betrayed BF? see the review
Linpin for Suvaree escort wrote:
You should tell him immediately. How, I'm not sure. I'm trying to think, as a man, how I'd like to hear about it. I think I'd appreciate a heartfelt letter more than words in person. Then, I could process what I was reading and decide if I ever even wanted to speak to you again. The relationship would be over permanently for me. Seriously, how could he ever trust you again? You threw it all away see the review
Archana for Louan escort wrote:
What have you decided Silver10? see the review
Warmike for Eldeli escort wrote:
Don’t drag this on. The longer you take the harder it will be and you will hurt your fiancй even more see the review
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