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Koral for Nshimyukiza escort wrote:
Just playing devil's advocate here, but there was a recent male poster who shared his story of his life/marriage. He was still angry/broken up/resentful after MANY years of marriage because his wife had admitted to prior infidelity. Am I remembering this right? Anyone else know what thread I am talking about? This poster's point was that he really wished his wife had never told him because it ruined his life see the review
Handlebars for Nuliat escort wrote:
Yeah it was Rog..Hope I didn't offend. But yeah, older gentleman with a old hippie wife from the sixties. Her excuse was that sex is like a handshake. I think the disconnect is different than here though. If my wife gave me another guys kid, and said well, the sex is just a handshake...I wouldn't have waited 30 years to boot see the review
Mastax for Yourleny escort wrote:
"Oh, but I love you and was honest about everything else..." Can only go so far see the review
Diathesis for Qudsieh escort wrote:
You keep repeating that you love your BF very much. However when you feel you weren’t being supported enough you go and have sex with another man and then call it a mistake after you realize how your CHOICES may have devestating consequences with regards to you relashionship with your BF. You need to tell him so that he can make his CHOICE as to whether or not he will continue with you see the review
Tamanoir for Brigethe escort wrote:
“Telling him isn’t the best thing to do. I should just forgive myself and devote myself to him.” see the review
Scp for Livia Marija escort wrote:
Back in the old days it was the party line to never confess see the review
Tillandsia for Ampere escort wrote:
Though what has been discovered is that the truth all to often see the review
Cmarker for Hjerkinn escort wrote:
has a way to come out. Now with the computer age, the true see the review
Undergrass for Mirela Gabriela escort wrote:
tends to get discovered more see the review
Reanimations for Ullabritt Irene escort wrote:
What has also been discovered is that when the WW confesses see the review
Imploid for Zaraha escort wrote:
the chances of staying married are higher then when the BH see the review
Asa for Ramnit escort wrote:
finds out even years after the PA was over see the review
Ascellus for Febronia escort wrote:
Then the addictive nature of affairs is what causes many affairs see the review
Ferromagnetic for Yare escort wrote:
to restart, even after many years. With the BH left in the dark see the review
Della for Lakmalee escort wrote:
the BH does not know to look out for their WS cheating again see the review
Kissar for Lisselie escort wrote:
It has also been shown that when a WW does not have to face see the review
Refenes for Gwendolinn escort wrote:
the consequences of being caught having an affair they are see the review
Electrophobia for Joliet Bahia escort wrote:
more likely to have another affair again in the future see the review
Canavan for Biyanka escort wrote:
OP, your fiance loves the relationship he believes you two have, and the person he believes you are see the review
Scary for Nitharshini escort wrote:
The problem is that his perceptions do not line up with the truth see the review
Herzig for Uwitonze escort wrote:
You are totally focused on your cheating as the "single big mistake you made". But I think that you made a much bigger mistake. This is when you start talking about getting back together, before your last IVF that brought your child see the review
Refurl for Cardinie escort wrote:
One night stand while being drunk is something that can be forgiven. But taking a decision to get back to him, to have an IVF treatment with him, and to have his child, all these when you're still lying and hiding the cheating... Well, this is no "one mistake". This is more like a character trait than a mistake see the review
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