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Brigand for Teoline escort wrote:
Be happy & calm down see the review
Ravel for Florentina Georgina escort wrote:
Do something to make it up to her. At least take her out for Italian during the time she would have been away see the review
Benita for Gullvie escort wrote:
2) What is it that actually bothers you when you find out someone has cheated on you? I tend to be reserved and doubt everything, so for me my trust is never compromised because it never fully see my paradigm? Pretty much my trust is in things not people (don't touch my guitars without asking!). I've been cheated on before, it has never bothered me because; see the review
Sandie for Jiyana escort wrote:
I need help formulating my thoughts on how I need to continue to expand and meet new people, but in her eyes it continues to be revolved around "how much you don't love me" when it's simply not the case, the reality is I love everyone the same and she doesn't understand my superficial nature see the review
Calamanco for Ma Li escort wrote:
There are plenty of dating sites for people who want nothing other than to hookup and then move on see the review
Sialkot for Memejohwo escort wrote:
Originally Posted by cabbageman see the review
Scstech for Xiran escort wrote:
Crap.... I just saw your other post see the review
Salvadora for Henyde escort wrote:
You have a CHILD with this 14 year older woman? Oh yikes, cart WAAAAAAY before the horse see the review
Foxfire for Aaliyah Fatima escort wrote:
Someone might say I don't love her, I would say it's more likely that I can't love anybody more then myself or can't put another first, it's always been like this and I don't plan on changing see the review
Kieboom for Jopelin escort wrote:
I feel very sorry for your child see the review
Remotes for Cardinie escort wrote:
1) Why are people so possessive? If you truly love someone wouldn't you want them to be happy, no matter with who? see the review
Pchrome for Karabit escort wrote:
You're not the first person to have this misunderstanding that monogamy is somehow the same thing as possession. A person in a monogamous relationship is not saying "I own you, so you mustn't see other people". They're saying "We agreed to be exclusive to one another from the outset, and I expect you to have enough integrity to stick to that" see the review
Wei for Sarabritt escort wrote:
Look at the word you used. Cheated. You didn't say "when you find out someone slept with someone else", which implies at least the possibility of being honest. Cheating means dishonesty, and broken trust, by definition. Are you generally not bothered when people are dishonest? If the answer is no, then are you so far removed from understanding other people that you can't see why for most people the answer is yes? see the review
Bing for Lillyana escort wrote:
Something doesn’t seem right see the review
Florian for Bietros escort wrote:
I wish it was fake!!!! I wish I could take away all the hurt. Not only did I hurt the person I love the most in life, but both of our families are hurting as well. We are fortunate to not have already been married, and kids are not part of the equation, however it doesn't lessen the pain. I cannot tell you how much I wish this was fake. Unfortunately, it is real. It is what it is, and life is pretty sh*tty right now see the review
Vincent for Maruf escort wrote:
To everyone who has shared their advice-- THANK YOU. What wise words you have shared and I will take them to heart. Thank you for listening and responding see the review
Javier for Sui escort wrote:
You said she sorry and remorseful? Okay? How? Because you are on the ground level of your business and it sounds like you're expanding. That is going to take up a lot of your time. What happens to the next time you're busy? see the review
Bunkerman for Halida escort wrote:
Amen and amen. see the review
Fernand for Lumi escort wrote:
Preach on brother. Yes, what he said see the review
Woolly for Angira escort wrote:
Move on yesterday. see the review
Cursedly for Geriolda escort wrote:
How very rude of her to ignore you like that. You did the best thing by leavi ny the wedding see the review
Egotistic for Olaomo escort wrote:
I might have just said "I heard you were having fun with your Ex that night. Please do not contact me again and stop calling my landline as I have no desire to speak to you" see the review
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