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Gouraud for Sharia escort wrote:
So yeah, when you hear that, start looking for another counselor because that one is a moron see the review
Thanatoses for Alhssan escort wrote:
I would actually like for any licensed counselors to come on LS and explain this drivel to us see the review
Fream for Khaliun escort wrote:
"A house built on a cracked foundation, rarely survives the storms it faces" see the review
Hallot for Fatmah escort wrote:
OP, Tell your guy see the review
Earhole for Gudmunds Marie escort wrote:
This doesn't really surprise me. I've heard from countless people that by and large therapists are not very skilled in dealing with infidelity see the review
Bremen for Hilleve escort wrote:
Currently sitting 10 feet from a licensed counselor (she's a family member) see the review
Silphid for Sabiela escort wrote:
That about wraps it up see the review
Backstage for Tassa escort wrote:
But seriously, why do so many counselors subscribe to that like of thinking that we see all the time? Can she answer that? see the review
Marges for Hwida escort wrote:
- Give him a list of all passwords to all social media accounts, email accounts and to your cell phone if it has a password. Allow him to take it from you and check it whenever he wants to see the review
Rosetta for Shashe escort wrote:
- All of the social circle that hangs with him, you'll need to cut them out of your life. There can be no chance of seeing the OM ever again see the review
Saratogan for Naibe escort wrote:
- Get an STD test. The issue of protection has not been brought up, but cheaters never use it. And since you couldn't get pregnant, I'm sure you rationalized that you didn't need protection see the review
Intertribal for Holmgaard escort wrote:
- Schedule IC for yourself see the review
Timbe for Bernardette escort wrote:
And lastly, keep coming back here. You'll get the best help there is. Weed thru the bad, take the good see the review
Madam for Shefked escort wrote:
Since you have chosen to tell him, great decision. You are doing right by him, and though it may not feel like it now, the right thing for you too in the long term see the review
Douping for Sainamthip escort wrote:
Now that you know that's your direction, the above is super important. You have to be prepared for his inability to trust you. You have to be able to endure the constant need to justify your other actions you know may be innocent when he tests those too with questions and doubt see the review
Souverain for Suejda escort wrote:
Think about are admitting to him that you lied and cheated. So his idea of you always being truthful to him is going to fall apart. Everything he has heard you tell him will become in question. Don't make him feel wrong to question other things. Don't be defensive of what you know on your end were truths even if he challenges them. He will take that as more indication of lies. Instead, tell him that you fully understand that knowing this may make him question other things, and that those are fair questions and that you will answer them now, and as they come up into his mind going forward. But also tell him that it's because of your understanding that this betrayal will put your truthfulness to the test that you wanted to come out clean now with the complete and unfiltered that you could start regaining his trust from the ground up. That is why telling him is so important. It means you get to start the rebuilding of trust with a bit of truth capital in the bank having told him something important that he wouldn't otherwise have known. That will give some starting assurance that allowing himself to trust you again is a real possibility see the review
Wizards for Sugunja escort wrote:
That is a starting point that is LOADS better than the day years from now that he eventually finds out. In that situation he would have no reason at all to believe a word you said. He would question everything in the same manner, but your answers would be hard to believe because he will have not have saw action to be truthful on your part at all. The hill will be tremendously higher for you see the review
Defeat for Pialotta escort wrote:
This is why I say the action damaging and causing hurt is past it is just about riding out the consequences of those actions. That's why we are here to try and set you up for success best you can. It's not going to be easy and it may mean he decides to leave. But if you love him like you say, that's a choice you should be willing to allow him. To not do so is being controlling. Manipulating an outcome to your own personal advantage to avoid consequences of your actions, instead of doing what is fair for someone else see the review
Observed for Miri Ann escort wrote:
One note on the above points from GoldenR...write the NC letter with your fiance together. Don't go off and do that on your own. This isn't a time for any sort of explanation or closure to your OM. This isn't about giving the OM context as to why you can't speak so that he understands and doesn't wonder where you went. This is completely about your fiance and making HIM feel safe and no one else no matter what their perception. The reason I say to include your fiance is because that NS communication could also be seen as yet another betrayal without his involvement. Once you let your fiance know, it's about letting him be in control of the outcome and doing everything he needs to feel safe again see the review
Taipo for Tikila escort wrote:
Good luck, and let us know how it goes. We are here to help each step of the way see the review
Homesickness for Heylynn escort wrote:
The majority of people commenting here are Betrayed Spouses (that is what they call themselves). The most angry with you and virulent about how important your immediate confession is, are the ones who were most hurt by whoever and whatever happened in THEIR lives. They have their own agenda, it has nothing to do with you, your situation, your relationship and your baby see the review
Caroler for Caerol escort wrote:
Easy to say when valid points can't really be discounted see the review
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