Forget about putting your foot down and all that nonsense because if you think she'll cheat she might just say f*ck it he doesn't trust me anyway might as well do it
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Co-workers or not these are strangers, they are not in a big group but a small and intimate group, these guys have no obligation to you, for all you know this villa could be their "slaughtering" ground"
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But aside from the scare stories what it boils down to are your conflicting values (maybe these values reinforced themselves when you cheated because you know how easy it is)
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Yes when she asked my opinion if she should go, I said it is a great opportunity and I want her to have fun. She is going thru divorce now. She was also concerned about lost yoga teaching income while she's gone
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I never put my foot down at this point. Then after she told me she decided to go, she brought up the weekend seaside villa with 2 guys. I told her that I was not ok with that. We never concluded on what she was going to do. We both just dropped it
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I have a feeling this villa weekend is already set and either she goes to villa, finds her own lodging (not likely) or she cancels her trip and she holds that against me
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The hot body and fake tits are just a bonus to show off. Its not that. We were best friends in college and have picked up right where we left off. We share something special between us. We both have acknowledged that
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Then keep her as a friend. Sorry but catching up on your post it is obvious she has a problem with commitment. You have reasons to worry that she won't be faithful no matter what you say on here
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She's your preference, not every other guys' preference. Keep that in mind. She might be too (fill in the blank) to them and would rather take a pass or bring someone else more to their liking
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She needs to know how you feel. That this does trouble you. If for anything else, she'll know that this bothers you and kinda proves to her that you have deep feelings for her. Because if you didn't give a crap, then you wouldn't care what she was doing
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You just need to talk. Because others are right. She's not your wife. She's just a girlfriend and she really doesn't owe you anything. Hate to be blunt, but it is what it is
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