What happened was, I had friends living with me at the time, a boy named Harold and a boy named Norman. Harold was and still is my best friend to this day. They invited their cousin over and to which my surprise was a girl. She started off by meeting me through the fact that I smoked at the given time and she would bum cigs off me. Not that I cared, I didn't think much of it. I wasn't really a "Friend" to her nor was she to me. Either way, we all were hanging out alot and walking her to work and such and her and I were friends. I never thought that I was going to ever cheat on my girlfriend of 3 years at the time with a bi sexual person (nothing against bi's but...yeah) and on August 21st, 2011, Myself, My friend Harold, his brother, his cousin, and his cousins girlfriend at the time, and his cousins friend were up at her apartment. We were watching a movie called The Orphan. Now prior to this her and I would text but it wasn't very often. I wasn't talking to her about anything sexual because I knew where my heart was and I figured that I could trust myself not to do something so stupid. However, that night everytime she would get up and if she walked by me she would touch me on my shoulder or something of the sort. I didn't think much of it because I have friends that would walk up pat me on my shoulder hug me at my shoulders, etc. So, then she began looking at people and shortly after those people would start to leave. First her girlfriend decided to leave because her parents wanted her home I guess, then Harold's brother decided to leave
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