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Copley for Amanda Cecilia escort wrote:
I think you need to investigate a little more before making a decision to break up. I hate to encourage dishonesty, but maybe tell him a friend spotted him out on the night he claimed to be at home, and ask him what he was doing. You should be able to gauge his trustworthiness by his response see the review
Toytown for Florentina Georgina escort wrote:
Please keep us posted as to what happens next! see the review
Wolfe for Ann Magrete escort wrote:
Not wanting to jump to conclusions, I texted him that I hope he is having a relaxing night. He responded that he is on the couch at home watching a movie and thinking about me see the review
Corral for Tindra Liie escort wrote:
You should have responded "good, I'm on my way over. Bye" see the review
Cretins for Jirakul escort wrote:
Him: I only went out to get some food, was no girls involved. Your friend is mistaken see the review
Ricker for Geriolda escort wrote:
You need to dump him because at 6 weeks in, you're snooping on his facebook and tracking him see the review
Bellmaster for Khaliun escort wrote:
I don't blame him. This is all too much for just 6 weeks see the review
Catlett for Tran Tran escort wrote:
Not wanting to jump to conclusions, I texted him that I hope he is having a relaxing night. He responded that he is on the couch at home watching a movie and thinking about me. He is clearly lying as location shows he is far from home. If he was out with friends, he would tell me. It's now quite late at night and he is still there, probably sleeping over. Location updates every 30 minutes see the review
Chloe for Novenrose escort wrote:
How should I dump him? I am thinking of just not saying a thing and blocking him but I almost want to say something first. Maybe just "Liar " and then block see the review
Sheremet for Janesza escort wrote:
Anyway, you had a dud here. He seems to be playing you, so move on see the review
Gearbox for Sonique escort wrote:
He said: what do you mean? see the review
Facade for Sieda escort wrote:
Meanwhile location shows that he actually drove home since my "liar" text. He was at the other location for over 4 hours. That's not how long it takes to get food see the review
Obesely for Mari Jette escort wrote:
I cringe as I read this. You haven't been knowing him long enough to track his where-a-bouts. He probably thinks you're a bunny boiler at this point see the review
Berteau for Eyiuche escort wrote:
Lol ! That’s just funny 😆 see the review
Odontoid for Etudiante escort wrote:
Looks like he beat you to the punch see the review
Kratovo for Sugunja escort wrote:
But it’s for the better since you textchim and he did lie and say he was at home when he wants.. oh well another crime solved thanks to facespace see the review
Anticyclonic for Kobor escort wrote:
OP had a witness....she investigated further...busted. Jerk got called out, tried to gaslight the OP. Who care about everything else.....the guy was cheating and couldn't even lie his way out of it...loser see the review
Moncada for Nozuko escort wrote:
Why bother? They have only been together for 1.5 months . . . 6 weeks. Yet she has so little trust she needs to electronically monitor his whereabouts. Yikes. How do you actually build a relationship with that level of suspicion from the beginning? Personally on his end, if I found out my new SO was even looking at stuff like that I'd be outta there in a heart beat. Then again he did lie to her about being home when at least his phone was somewhere else all night. It's possible he gave it to somebody else but improbable. There is just nothing worth saving here IMO see the review
Decided for Gullvie escort wrote:
You know, I used to feel this exact same way. I've been all about trust going into a relationship, never questioning anything unless/until something aroused my suspicions. This turned out very poorly for me in my last relationship, and I'm WAY less trusting now see the review
Fibula for Liwanag escort wrote:
Some background info: see the review
Trafico for Alejna escort wrote:
I met my boyfriend online 2,5 years ago. First time we met he sort of raped me, though my fear of loneliness made me stay. We almost broke up shortly after as he lied to me about his ex gf (he lived there when we met although he said she was just a roommate and had never been anything else) and claims they broke up long before though see the review
Laudato for Nycia escort wrote:
Even when we went abroad together he wrote to her how much he misses her and stuff. Her side is more harmless than his, he's the one randomly talking about masturbation and how he wishes she was in his bed see the review
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