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Fara for Emmanoulia escort wrote:
Almost all my friends are in relationships, too see the review
Filthless for Silhana escort wrote:
What if I'd been spending my time having multiple dates with men I was not attracted to, or interested in, at all?? I would not be with this one. I shudder to think what a terrible waste of time see the review
Nett for Biyanka escort wrote:
She has the right to have her own standards. But that doesn't mean the way she's going about finding someone who meets those standards makes any sense. The instant spark requirement that many gals have these days is not only unrealistic, it's also crazy see the review
Mestizo for Sharin escort wrote:
It's no more crazy than continuing to go out with people you have no interest in on the assumption that you might change your mind at some point, even when there's nothing else in it for you if you don't. By seeing more people, the odds are much better see the review
Planetary for Lempiredesens escort wrote:
No one ever suggested these gals should date every single guy in their city, which I think you know isn't possible. What I am saying is that with the ones they do choose to accept a date with, they need to be serious and mature about taking the time to get to know them, otherwise it's a waste of everyone's time see the review
Infosys for Phacharida escort wrote:
So tell us what criteria people must use to first decide who to go out with, then acknowledge the irony that selecting someone based on predefined criteria before one date is no different than dismissing someone on predefined criteria after one date. Unless you give everyone a chance regardless of your own personal preferences, you're selecting people on their appeal in conjunction with your tastes. You're doing the exact same thing as everyone else. You look at a profile, or see a stranger on the street, and you opt not to say anything, not to go out with them, or give them a chance see the review
Gash for Piringer escort wrote:
I don't see why you think it's just fine to be able to have preferences and trust your gut about someone before you know them, but not after you meet and then know even more about them. That's moronic see the review
Coonrod for Merjema escort wrote:
That's doesn't happen with the one and done dating style and the instant spark philosophy of dating that has become an epidemic among young women see the review
Papain for Mirtha Andrea escort wrote:
Men date the same way. You sound there's an all or nothing scenario between everyone. Either they meet and fall madly in love or never speak again. Hardly the case. If you're moderately interested in someone, you'll see them again if you think it's worth your time. If you're not interested in them at all, you won't. There are many varying degrees of interest and you endlessly trying to proclaim that there's only one is just laughable see the review
Bracken for Aymon escort wrote:
While that may be the case sometimes, the thought of trusting your instincts the first time around is still more favorable than wasting your time with people you don't know. Yeah, if that happens, it's a good investment. But consider the odds. If you keep buying lottery tickets for a year and finally win the jackpot, you'll say it was a good investment. The million other people who bought lottery tickets for a year and didn't win wouldn't say the same. It's like saying you won't quit smoking because you might get hit by a car and die anyways -- but what're the consequences if you don't get hit by a car and die? see the review
Mustain for Eugenija escort wrote:
Running in circles here. Once again, being single isn't bad. It's often a choice. Smart people would rather be single than be with the wrong person. Not to mention any number of other complex factors that no one has the answer to. But assuming modern relationships are dead and modern dating is the sole reason is presumptuous see the review
Cammann for Gufhran escort wrote:
The answer is simple: because they don't know or haven't considered a better way. Because they haven't learned or realized that spark and love are completely unrelated see the review
Setword for Alida Katarina escort wrote:
I just laughed. All this stuff you're on about is because people never considered anything else? Ok, how about this? All you have to do is tell people to do things differently, and if they want to, they'll do it. But if they're happier their current methods, you have to accept their decision and stop acting like you know what's better for them. The end. Good luck see the review
Filardo for Enkhmaa escort wrote:
Sword, I agree with you that the clock doesn't start ticking until you first meet in person. But I think you can't call it quits after a decent first date see the review
Plaguer for Letteburim escort wrote:
You're just going to have to accept that many women (and men but that's not pertinent to you) are not looking for merely "decent" and they'll keep looking, thank you very much! see the review
Gregory for Sunana escort wrote:
I know you're done with dating, but if you start again, you'll need to focus on women with very low standards, if you expect them to hang around for "decent." see the review
Arghel for Virgilia escort wrote:
When did you find this out? see the review
Animals for Senoda escort wrote:
What do you mean the still 'talk'? As in call each other on the phone and gab for hours or just in passing whenever out with the circle of friends? see the review
Idolize for Faam escort wrote:
I found pictures recently and questioned her about it. She told me the story. They don’t talk on the phone or text each other that often. Just in passing when out with her circle of friends. To my knowledge anyway see the review
Rustles for Nihar escort wrote:
It sucks that she hooked up with someone in her circle but it's not necessarily the end of the world either, particularly if she's someone you think you can trust see the review
Toytown for Zija escort wrote:
Only time will tell. If you bring it up again she will accuse you of being nuts so if you want to have the convo again, have at it, with fairly predictable results see the review
Strad for Melaa escort wrote:
And since she isn't in contact with him by text/ social media, there is no concern see the review
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