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Obviate for Boda escort wrote:
Sorry, I couldn't read a lot of this without punctuation. But I think it's perfectly reasonable to give the viagra a test drive alone. And no, he shouldn't have to report to you on each and every pill he takes see the review
Galeorhinus for Tametope escort wrote:
I assure you men don't take Viagra just for the purposes of rubbing one out. For an older guy. Viagra is supposed to up his game in the bedroom. Not going solo with the 5 knuckle shuffle see the review
Feast for Divija escort wrote:
So I am afraid you will have to assume that in fact he is cheating. All the signs pint to it and the Viagra Rubbing one out is about as weak an act as there is see the review
Antifog for Janetto escort wrote:
This guy is doing you no good. Get rid of him and refuse to be treated like this see the review
Deporter for Katey escort wrote:
You sounds like a control freak hell bent on finding something wrong whether there is or not see the review
Niklash for Kwewanda escort wrote:
If one asks and doesn't get the answer you expect you have some choices. Trust his integrity or trust your integrity see the review
Nalanda for Qudsieh escort wrote:
This kind of thing is very sensitive for men. Having ED is devastating and embarrassing. This is their manhood we are talking about. You B&*^%$* at him and accusing him only emasculates him even further. Poor guy. It's bad enough he has trouble getting an erection, now he has to deal with a bat $%^& cray cray GF inspecting how many pills are being used. Shame on you! see the review
Donghui for Tongard escort wrote:
If you & he previously used a whole bottle of Viagra together, you are correct there was no need for him to take one to try it out through masturbation. The lack of a need doesn't mean there was a lack of desire. Who are you to tell him he can't masturbate? see the review
Gresham for Zaza Elina escort wrote:
Originally Posted by Poutrew see the review
Dangers for Ruaai escort wrote:
Poutrew, I just turned 50. I was actually thinking of my 55yo husbands friend group when I wrote this. Because iod the friend group, I am friends with women he dated 30 years or more ago. Nobody ever felt the need to go all weird with the friend group if there was an ex there see the review
Grangers for Jirakul escort wrote:
I'd really like to hear from the OP. How often does she hang out with these friends and is he with her when they hang out or is it one of these they're my friends so you can't go? see the review
Bonczek for Hria escort wrote:
And the fact is that I have "some type of feelings" for some of them so I would not want to be around them anyway, it gets messy see the review
Noggins for Mathuratda escort wrote:
I am just saying. see the review
Beachcombers for Mueen escort wrote:
I have a friendship group I hang out with a lot. I have slept with 2 of the group. One of them I dated for 3 months and it didn't work out. He got a gf who didn't like me at all and didn't like that we saw each other. My best friends bfs birthday event, all 3 of us were there and she gave me dirty looks all night (this was the first and only time I'd met her). It was quite clearly known that she didn't like me even though I had no interest in her bf and barely spoke to him. It got to the point where she avoided events I 'may be' going to, although he did not. He wanted to see his friends and he had no idea whether I'd be there or not. There was one BBQ I wasn't invited to because she was going. I was really upset about that - these were my friends and I wasn't and hadn't done anything wrong to be excluded. They have since split up. Although not the only reason, I heard that one of the reasons was that I was around see the review
Burrers for Boury escort wrote:
The thing is, in order to not see me, he would have had to stop seeing his friends. Which isn't fair. We barely interact with one another and our relationship didn't even get off the ground. We don't see each other one on one, we very rarely message and often don't speak even in a group setting. In a relationship, you have to trust your partner to be faithful and maintain the correct boundaries, otherwise, what is the point? He's more at risk cheating with a stranger than me. We tried it and it didn't work, why would he risk a relationship for that?? see the review
Simples for Hortensy escort wrote:
I get what you are saying. see the review
Tartish for Tantra Lara escort wrote:
I would be very upset if someone gave me an ultimatum of complete NC with anyone I'd slept with or them. They'd be asking me to sacrifice my friends for them. I'd have to check at every event if they were going to be there and what if they changed their mind and turned up anyway? Would I have to leave? It would also put my friends in a horrible situation and make everything much more awkward than it needs to be see the review
Martino for Sophie123 escort wrote:
Reminds me of when one of the guys in my husband's group had a drama queen new girlfriend see the review
Dare for Maison escort wrote:
Thankfully she's settled down now, but there was no way the group was going to exclude any exes just to keep the new girlfriend appeased. Nor was the guy going to dump his large friendship group of over thirty years so that the new girlfriend would be happy about him not seeing exes see the review
Running for Rakiba escort wrote:
Maybe it's as easy as being able to look inwardly and tell one's self "this person isn't the one for me, she doesn't match my values", there is nothing wrong with that, and doesn't make her a bad person either see the review
Shuang for Melkra escort wrote:
OM, EX, a rose by any other name still.........smells see the review
Downtime for Alemeh escort wrote:
amongst themselves. The others are free to see the OM/EX see the review
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