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Tuatara for Belkeze escort wrote:
Considering it "dysfunctional" is subjective. Just because it doesn't work for you doesn't mean it doesn't work. It works for successful people, it doesn't work for unsuccessful people. If you're successful, it's functional see the review
Romeo for Roghya escort wrote:
Finding the perfect person is hard to begin with. People get married to the wrong person and realize they weren't selective enough in marrying that person and then opt to divorce. Hence why the divorce rate has pretty much kept pace with the marriage rate long before the current dating conditions see the review
Proresearch for Touzin escort wrote:
See my batting average analogy in a previous post. An auto repair shop is expected to succeed at a high rate. Dating, while it's as efficient as it's ever been, still can't produce a 100% success rate under any format, and has never been able to. Meeting the right person still might take thousands of dollars and many years. Fixing a car can be done be done much cheaper, much quicker, and you wouldn't expect them to not have the right part because they just can't find it anywhere. If you need a new carburetor, they have it there to install. If you need a girl with a particular sensibility and look, you can't just "buy" her, not in the way we're talking about, anyways. Finding her is not akin to auto repair see the review
Clyster for Vyllow escort wrote:
It's like expecting a hitter to hit a home run every time. It's not plausible given the circumstances of the environment. For an auto mechanic, a 100% success rate is very plausible see the review
Archest for Mshor escort wrote:
You don't understand. Wealthy, beautiful, powerful people intermarry because they can. Unattractive unsuccessful people surely want to marry wealthy, beautiful, powerful people, but they usually can't. Because those wealthy, better looking people can do better see the review
Trademarked for Soon Ja escort wrote:
Money and power give you the best chance of survival. It's not that like attracts like, it's that the best attracts everyone, and the environment creates circumstances that like ends up with like because like can't do better and has no incentive to do worse. No one wants to be with a fat, unambitious, unemployed person, not even other fat, unambitious, unemployed people. Everyone would rather marry better looking, wealthier people with more desirable traits. They just can't, and that can be extrapolated to every level. The girl you went out with thought she could do better than you, so she has no reason to go out with you again. You learned that you can't go out with her even though you want to, because she has no reason to date down to your level. Better attracts everyone, benefits the best, and usually leaves like with like circumstantially see the review
Yolando for Magdela escort wrote:
First of all, people come to these boards to seek advice and ease their frustration. That's the point. So by design these boards are largely skewed towards people with problems. No one decides to register an account and start a thread just to say "Everything's going great and I have no problems." see the review
Tincher for Al Hassan escort wrote:
Do you disagree that the less desirable traits you have, the less success you will have? Explain to me how that's poisonous and not just the natural order of things see the review
Propagate for Jeezriel escort wrote:
Why are divorce rates so high? If people were selective enough the first time around, maybe they wouldn't have married the wrong person see the review
Linnaeus for Funian escort wrote:
I guess in the "good old days", many were equally frustrated with dating, plenty old spinsters and bachelors attest to that. Not everyone "chose" to be single, some did, but for others marriage just didn't happen for them see the review
Mayland for Yossur escort wrote:
There was no "Golden Age"" where it didn't really matter who anyone dated, or that all women settled for any guy that just showed up see the review
Despaired for Zaza Elina escort wrote:
Money, appearance, education, class, family, personality all still mattered, the "best" ones were still sought after and those that did not make the grade "settled" or remained alone see the review
Ormsby for Lea_75 escort wrote:
People still filtered out those they did not like or they thought unsuitable see the review
Lovelis for Thanabodi escort wrote:
We may have technology to find all those "amazing" people out there for us, but the bottom line is that it is all down to human interaction in the end, and if there is no "spark" or nothing in common or no interest, then the relationship could not develop whether we are talking 1916, 1956, 1986 or 2016 see the review
Archie for Laven escort wrote:
Not at all. I just think it's ironic that all these dating apps, communication technology, etc. was supposedly created and marketed to us to improve our access to and ability to find relationships, while the reality is it's doing the exact opposite according to all the trends I've been quoting here, and that many people do not even realize it see the review
Couchy for Adhley escort wrote:
Never done OLD and still managed to find all my LTRs (present one included) theold fashioned way. I like people in general and have no issue striking a conversation with anyone anywhere without expectation or agenda see the review
Macturk for Wema escort wrote:
As a non-OLD user, I assumed modern technology is a tool to help us meet people, not to improve access to relationships; that part's still down to us see the review
Bile for Juliza escort wrote:
"Finding a relationship" is not the end goal for most people. The end goal is finding a relationship with someone their perfect match, and that isn't easy. I'd rather be selective and take my chances waiting for someone I actually love than settle and get married to someone I don't see the review
Remint for Nwakaego escort wrote:
There's nothing wrong with selectivity. Selective people can deal with the consequences of their actions, good or bad. People who would rather not be selective are free to do as they please. I don't see what the problem is see the review
Patel for Yare escort wrote:
I never said anywhere that finding any relationship should be the end goal for most people. But for those folks who are seeking a meaningful relationship, the sad reality is that they are facing a dating culture that is actively working against them because of the need for instant gratification. They are encountering a dating culture that is more hostile more superficial and less conducive to forming stable successful relationships than it has ever been. A lot of gals have a dating style that is keeping them single and keeping them from getting to know great guys and vice versa. They are jumping the gun and nexting guys way too fast because of the misguided belief in instant spark. It's not an issue of selectivity. Two dates before you decide to move on is not unreasonable. What is unreasonable is going out into the dating world expecting to be wowed within minutes of meeting someone, and then if they don't repeating the process night after night, year after year. It's crazy see the review
Ginetto for Hayedeh escort wrote:
Something that especially disturbs me, and which the most unhappy "nice guy" recently posting about the decline dating in modern times has not addressed: see the review
Comatic for Sylinda escort wrote:
Why, in these discussions, is it up to the women to give the undesirable (to them) men a "fair trial," but not vice versa? see the review
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