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Riptide for Gunni Marie escort wrote:
2) What do you mean by "close friends?" Close friends as a father/daughter or as friends with benefit? see the review
Ducharme for Ilgul escort wrote:
3) Does he have kids? If so, how old? It would be weird if his daughter is older than you see the review
Destructible for Alissara escort wrote:
I am also a little nervous as this Friday younger guy and me are going to a concert together and having tea. It will probably turn into something see the review
Engtech for Galit escort wrote:
Sounds like you've already made your decision to date the younger guy. All that's left is telling older guy what you've decided see the review
Arrastra for Lamwaka escort wrote:
You can't date both - not fair to older guy who said it would have to end if you started seeing someone else, and not fair to new guy who doesn't know you're dating someone else see the review
Hanlan for Xane escort wrote:
No, he divorced a few years ago and doesn't have any kids. We are more of a friends with benefits. there's no way I would date 2 people at the same time. It's not me. A thought keeps coming across to me. If I break the relationship off with the older guy, we will still remain the closest of friends, we both know that. It's not if I won't ever see him again, as we're work mates. The only thing that's in the way, is my undecided mind as to who to be with and who to let go see the review
Finglas for Gerit escort wrote:
I have had a bit of pressure to find someone from my family (haven't been with someone in 3yrs, well they think so anyway!) and this younger guy is a really lovely bloke, but it could be one of those relationships where it's more of a friendship. This older guy does make me really happy, but in the long run, age does matter. I will need to move on at some stage. I know this sounds wrong, but I could always give this younger guy a shot, and if I find myself still thinking about older guy, I will have to break it off. I just couldn't be in a relationship when you're thinking about another guy! What do you think? I really appreciate all the feedback so far see the review
Kafadar for Reini escort wrote:
First off I don't think it is disgusting that you are dating a 54 year old. At the age of 26 I started dating a 54 year old. I knew him for a couple of years before we started dating. It lasted about six months. And it was really great at first. It was nice to finally meet a man who knew how to treat a girl right. And we had a lot of things in common. Things started to become somewhat serious for us and at first I was really okay with it. But.....I asked myself one question. Do I want to grow old with someone, or watch someone grow old. Obviously we broke up (he broke it off), and it was the age thing. We are at two very different stations in life. But I do not regret dating him. I learned a lot and got to meet a really great person. Now I'm back into the not so wonderful "blood sport" of dating. Right now I am dating a guy a year older than I and I'm having my issues(I think the older guy spoiled me). We have fun and I do still sometimes think about the other guy. Reality is age is a bit of a factor (doesn't have to be big and it can be overcome). To me it sounds like you may be having some reservations about the older guy even though he is great. I would say just look at the person, and ask yourself what your looking for right now and which one could make you happy see the review
Nobel for Benerilda escort wrote:
I'm glad someone can relate to me! I thought I was the only one! I have thought many times about growing old with him, even before we both knew that we liked each other. I don't really want to see him grow old, because when I'm 41, he's 74. We have had some great fun too and I've never regretted anything. He's taught me a lot about being in a relationship, and I've treasured every moment I have spent with him. I am going to sit down and seriously think what I want, and take it how it comes with this younger guy see the review
Amoretti for Fahmy escort wrote:
I think that is the best thing you can do see the review
Omina for Jade Elise escort wrote:
Never mind, actually see the review
Anolian for Wiisah escort wrote:
You need to be honest up front if she asks or makes ANY type of reference to your age see the review
Boguslaw for Mathuratda escort wrote:
And I thought I had it bad being new the dating scene after 18 years! Good luck! see the review
Columnist for Hild Sofie escort wrote:
Good for you! At least you're moving on see the review
Blather for Liandrah escort wrote:
yay for you....congrats.....the age thing needs to be addressed asap have to be honest....why does she think you are 41 may i ask? see the review
Trafford for Xandria escort wrote:
it is great you have moved on and i hope that it works out peachy for you....much luck in life and love from me to you.....deb see the review
Chasman for Nandel escort wrote:
Age is irrelevant unless she wants to have kids. It sounds like she just wants to have fun and so do you. She will be your rebound relationship anyway, since you and your wife just split up. Enjoy! see the review
Hodad for Hann Christine escort wrote:
IMO, you should not wait for the question, but go ahead and volunteer your age. If she finds out from other sources before she hears it from you, there's a chance she would consider your not mentioning it as insincere. Hope your date goes well see the review
Glazer for Pialotta escort wrote:
Why didn't your sister tell her your real age? I think you should tell her regardless of if you are asked or not. Considering your sister didn't say anything she most probably thought her guess was right. She might feel betrayed If she finds out later see the review
Raoul for Shmiram escort wrote:
When meeting girls I'm way more comfortable in a setting like meeting a friend of a friend. I feel no pressure and can just be more myself since my friend is there, then proceed to get to know the girl after that first impression see the review
Nonuser for Gullse escort wrote:
I realize that I'll need to get better at meeting girls, rather than rely on introductions through friends. I've always been shy when meeting new people, slightly lacking confidence see the review
Vaseline for Roux escort wrote:
So could anybody offer some helpful tips on cold approaching? What do you girls like? (Guys share tips as well. Anything could potentially help.) see the review
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