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Scarabee for Jassam escort wrote:
As a general rule women get a lot more attention than men on date sites, so, even though you don't think many guys would be interested in her, you've got plenty of competition and it's very possible that she was already chatting to one or more other people. Or maybe there was something in your message she didn't like? If you're willing to risk your ego a second time, go ahead and message her again see the review
Popcorn for Judyta escort wrote:
It’s not easy see the review
Citobor for Nadjda escort wrote:
l'll frickin like her again if l have to haha see the review
Cubica for Elsmarie Sylvia escort wrote:
Likes are easy. I didn't mind getting a like from a woman, but I wasn't big on going around and just liking women. If I was interested I sent a message that would be engaging based on her profile. Attractive women can get overwhelmed with emails (more so with likes) so a guy needs to put forth a good effort or he gets lost amongst all the other messages. I've had women Like me and then I've messaged them if I was interested, usually only about 10% of the time and then heard nothing back. My previous girlfriend that happened with. I waited a few days after not hearing back and messaged her again and we ended up talking that night and were together about a year. 2 messages tops without hearing anything back then I'm done. It does happen after a first non response, just give yourself the 2 message max see the review
Hernandez for Kimrey escort wrote:
So lf l've been lost , a second like will pop up on her when she comes back see the review
Blackball for Ferminovna escort wrote:
But alas , she's disappeared , hasn't been on for 5 days see the review
Robin for Qudsieh escort wrote:
Hoping to catch her when she comes back on. see the review
Infested for Melkra escort wrote:
Ok , l'm goin in. Wish me luck see the review
Muffler for Merjema escort wrote:
I've been speaking to this guy in his early 30s who has sideburns. He is a lovely guy and we have a lot in common and I have accepted going on a date with him on the weekend see the review
Glyoxal for Devrim escort wrote:
Dang, those aren't just side burns, those are some chops! see the review
Penicillium for Ampere escort wrote:
I wonder if I'm just making potentially a big deal out of nothing, he certainly looks nice and suits them see the review
Rickey for Foroz escort wrote:
When I met my bf he was wearing a goatee and that I find sexy. Then one day he shows up at my door without the bottom part of the goatee and only the mustache!! I went what is THAT?? You shave that off right now!! of course he refused. I had to get used to the fact that 6 days out of the week he has a goatee and 1 day he has a mustache! I got used to it and now I don't even see it see the review
Thimber for Yacub escort wrote:
The only question is whether YOU are attracted see the review
Rtp for Aaliyah Fatima escort wrote:
Recent Change, the man I recently started dating has that exact style of sideburns. They look great on him (and he has similar full hair though it's not styled to stand up like that) and he is very clean shaven see the review
Beverlee for Awigil escort wrote:
Elvis side burns are pretty quirky, not exactly in current fashion. Kinda like waxed mustaches etc (which unfortunately have made a certain come back) see the review
Cusso for Moniqa escort wrote:
I’m trying to tell myself it’s just him liking the content. He’ll like his other ex’s pictures too, but she’s from years ago. He’ll even like pictures of old flings that didn’t work out, so maybe he’s just weird? see the review
Datacom for Jeries escort wrote:
It wasn’t until recently that my friend’s SO really spilled the beans about their breakup- none of which my friend knew prior to setting me up. So apparently after he turned her away he was blowing up her phone saying stuff like the breakup really messed with him, how he wanted to stay but couldn’t. Then a little later the I’m having a hard time message followed. Also, my friend is under the impression that he tried to make her jealous (I don’t agree). He snapped a video of his food and then showed the girl he was on a date then posted it on social media. This was a few weeks after telling her that he was struggling. Not quite sure showing off your date on social media means you're trying to make someone jealous though see the review
Gregpor for Kellany26 escort wrote:
You should be very worried. He and his ex have only been broken up like a month and a half and it's clear they still want each other see the review
Hartson for Majse escort wrote:
We met about 1.5 months ago. We seem to be hitting it off. The issue is, upon finding out, my friend told me he likes about every other picture his ex has posted. They broke up in early October see the review
Wombs for Tishke escort wrote:
I do know she broke up with him and shortly tried to reconcile, he said no, but then later told her he was struggling with the breakup and she said she was too. Also, they had also discussed marriage see the review
Corruptive for Tripti Sethi escort wrote:
He's not ready to be in a serous dating relationship and you should only deal with him on a very surface, casual level and not let anything like your feelings get caught up in this. He'd just broken up with her and he's waivering on that decision. I'm sure your friend meant well, but she did both of you a disservice by meddling where she had no business. He's not emotionally available for you--it's just too soon and he hasn't resolved and disposed of his feelings for his girlfriend see the review
Hairtail for Salmi escort wrote:
I'd keep myself so in check as to not even try to project anything except platonic friendship in his direction. You're only going to end up hurting yourself by trying to extract romance from someone who is still fragmented over someone else and is wrestling with wanting to get back with her (and she him). Just stop see the review
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